Fáilte! (Welcome!)
IGSI is a partner of the Minnesota Genealogical Society
Revised 2025 Library Hours
Note revised hours for 2025 for Hoffman Research Library:
Mondays |
10 am - 6 pm |
Wednesdays |
10 am - 4 pm |
Thursdays |
10 am - 6 pm* |
Saturdays |
10 am - 4 pm |
* The Library will be closed if volunteers are not available to assist researchers.
The US Tour of presenters from Ireland!
IGSI will host a full-day workshop on Irish research on March 11.
The event will be offered online
and with a live audience in Eagan, Minnesota at Lost Spur Golf Club
link to map... very near the MSP International Airport.
Our presenters: Fintan & Gillian represent the UHF in Belfast and are making a stop in the Twin Cities as part of their
2025 US Lecture Tour
A special hotel rate is available until February 8. Library research opportunities are possible on days prior to and following the event. You can schedule individual consultations with the presenters on Wednesday morning, following the workshop. Click
this link for full details, hotel reservations, registration, and consultation purchases. Join us to celebrate St Patrick's week!
Members-only: Free view of December webinar
Tracing Medieval Roots: Genealogy in Ireland from the Medieval to the Modern Era
Dr Thomas Finan is a professor of medieval history and archaeology at Saint LouisUniversity is a scholar of medieval Ireland. For over 20 years he has led a "dig" in County Roscommon to examine the site of a medieval castle (of the MacDermot lords of Moylurg), unearthing mysteries of 13th century rural Ireland. A proud descendent of Roscommon Irish, Dr. Finan is also active in several digital projects analyzing collections of medieval genealogical material. Hear and see of the ancient Irish world they are revealing.
February podcast available for viewing
In the February episode of the "This month at the IGSI" podcast (episode 8 of season 3), genealogist Dave Miller talks about upcoming events for IGSI. Events for February:
Irish Saturday on February 8, and virtual webinar
Irish Vital Records - Unlock Your Ancestors with Fiona Fitzsimons on
February 15. The webinar will begin at 10:30 am and will last until noon Central Time. The cost of the webinar is $15 for members with member discount and $20 for non-members. You can register for the webinar on our Activities page:
https://irishgenealogical.org/eventListings.php?nm=34 (Members: log in and visit our Member Discounts page
https://irishgenealogical.org/cpage.php?pt=170 for the discount code.)
Dave interviews Fintan Mullan of the
Ulster Historical Foundation about their upcoming visit to IGSI, when they will visit IGSI for Irish Heritage Day,
Tuesday, March 11, 2025. Fintan and Gillian Hunt, also of the UHF, will be in Minnesota to educate us on how to find important records online and in-person. They are also offering one-on-one 30-minute consultations on
Wednesday March 12, with prior reservations required (
www.ulsterhistoricalfoundation.com). Visit
https://irishgenealogical.org/cpage.php?pt=211 to register for Irish Heritage Day. Also learn more about hotel rooms IGSI has reserved for the event.
You can visit IGSI's YouTube channel at any time by clicking the YouTube link above right or at the lower right side of our main page (below the upcoming activities).
IGSI is on Instagram!
GSI now has an Instagram account for anyone who wants a new way to stay up to date on the latest happenings with our organization. In addition to regular posts with IGSI news and information, posts will also include tidbits about Irish places, news, and history and happenings in the genealogical community. If you're on Instagram, you can follow us at @IrishGenSI
Minnesota Genealogy Center
1385 Mendota Heights Rd, Suite 100
Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55120