Irish Genealogical Society International Logo
Irish Genealogical Society International

Contact IGSI

Below is our contact information:  IGSI's mailing address, and a list of board members and committee chairs.
To send an email to a specific person, click on their name to bring up your computer's email interface.  Or, you can use the Web Contact Form to send  email to

Contacting IGSI

Mailing Address
Irish Genealogical Society International
1385 Mendota Heights Road
Ste 100
Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55120
Appointments needed by 2026
Co-President: Donna Jones
Treasurer: Mike Flynn
MN Volunteer Coordinator: Jeanne Bakken
Officers & Directors
Co-President: Donna Jones
Co-President: Walt Rothwell
Vice President: Vacant
Treasurer: Mike Flynn
Secretary: Jeanne Bakken
Director: Patrick Sheehan
Membership: Kay Swanson
Library Committee Co-Chair: Ann Eccles
Library Committee Co-Chair: Peggy Peters
Volunteers: Jeanne Bakken
eNewsletter (Ginealas): Patrick Sheehan
Blog: Gigi Hickey
Education Co-Chair: Trish Little-Taylor
Education Co-Chair: Walt Rothwell
Marketing: Janelle Asselin
The Septs, Editor: Mary Stuart
The Septs, Associate Editor: Kim White
Co-Managing Editor, The Septs: Gigi Hickey
Co-Managing Editor, The Septs: Rita A McNabb
Research: Vacant
Website Editor: Mary Wickersham
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