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Irish Genealogical Society International

IGSI podcasts

Check out our monthly podcast on the IGSI You Tube Channel. The program is called “This Month at the IGSI” and is hosted by genealogist and IGSI member Dave Miller.  The podcasts provide the latest information regarding the Irish Genealogical Society International and what activities are planned for the upcoming month.
YouTube logoYou can visit and subscribe to IGSI's YouTube channel at any time by clicking the YouTube link here, or at the lower right side of our main page (below the upcoming activities).

Cover image for "This month at the IGSI" - our monthy podcast
In the February episode of the "This month at the IGSI" podcast (episode 8 of season 3), genealogist Dave Miller talks about upcoming events for IGSI. Events for February: Irish Saturday on February 8, and virtual webinar Irish Vital Records - Unlock Your Ancestors with Fiona Fitzsimons on February 15. Dave interviews Fintan Mullan of the Ulster Historical Foundation about their upcoming visit to IGSI, when they will visit us for Irish Heritage Day, Tuesday, March 11, 2025. Fintan and Gillian Hunt, also of the UHF, will be in Minnesota to educate us on how to find important records online and in-person. They are also offering one-on-one 30-minute consultations on Wednesday March 12, with prior reservations required ( Details about these and other events can be found on our website, You can register for the February webinar on our website: 
Visit to register for Irish Heritage Day. Also learn more about hotel rooms IGSI has reserved for the event.
Cover image for "This month at the IGSI" - our monthy podcast
In the January episode of the “This month at the IGSI” podcast (episode 7 of season 3) and the very first episode of 2025, genealogist Dave Miller talks about the January webinar, featuring …Mark Thompson. The webinar is entitled, Using Artificial Intelligence to Research Documents & Letters. This presentation will be held on January 4th. This is a webinar only event. Mark will explore how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can assist you in analyzing and researching your family’s personal archives, on paper or online. Whether you need to summarize large documents to easily identify names and relationships, or to develop a "cast of characters" or timeline in complex documents, AI tools can make your research more efficient and effective. Mark will also introduce you with terms like ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, and more. He will explain how AI can "lighten the load" of research and help you reveal rich history deep in your family archive! The webinar will begin at 10:30 am and will last until noon Central Time. The cost of the webinar is $15 for members with a coupon and $20 for non-members. You can register for the webinar on our website:
Dave also interviewed IGSI Co-President Walt Rothwell who will go over the webinars that have already been determined for 2025 including some hybrid webinars. He will also talk about the plans for the Ulster Historical Foundation visit in March and the day long hybrid presentations.
The podcast also features the latest Irish History Minute. In this segment, Janelle discusses the 1916 Easter Uprising in Ireland the events that led to the uprising and the end results.  These stories along with the entire episode and previous podcast episodes are available on the IGSI YouTube channel and on our website:

Cover image for "This month at the IGSI" - our monthy podcast
In the December edition of the “This month at the IGSI” podcast (episode 6 of season 3) and the last episode of the year, genealogist Dave Miller talks about the December webinar, featuring …Dr. Thomas Finan. The Medieval Origins of Irish Genealogy. An Archeologist’s perspective. This presentation will be held on December 7th. This is a webinar only event and is free to the public. Dr. Finan who is a descendant of Roscommon will explore how the medieval Irish established the ancestry and heraldry that we pursue today. Many source records remain accessible today including documents, maps and landscape information. Dr. Finan will discuss a dig in Roscommon on Castle Island where they unearthed the mysteries from 13th Century Ireland. Dr. Finan is a professor of medieval history and archeology at St. Louis University. You can register for the webinar on our website:
We will also be featuring our end of the year segment and show all the various segments that aired this past year. We featured Irish musician Jim Sharkey who we interviewed earlier this year.
The podcast also features the latest Irish History Minute. In this segment, Janelle discusses the Irish Calendar and the history of the calendars through the past century and the various dates throughout the year that are marked on the calendar and celebrated by the Irish. These stories and previous podcast episodes are available on the IGSI YouTube channel and on our website:

Cover image for "This month at the IGSI" - our monthy podcast
In the November edition of the “This month at the IGSI” podcast (episode 5 of season 3), genealogist Dave Miller talks about the November webinar, featuring Jane Kennedy. Jane’s presentation is titled “The Connemara of County Galway: Despair in the American Heartland” and is scheduled for November 16th. This is a webinar only event. Jane will talk about how many people in the western coastal areas of Connemara were given some assistance in 1880 to escape the ravages of famine and disease; however, they knew little about their new destination. They hoped to find a new homeland in America, but after 3,700 miles of travel, their destination in rural Western Minnesota was a prairie that scarcely resembled the Irish coast. As they settled in and began earning a living, they soon encountered one of the worst Minnesota winters ever recorded. You can register for the webinar on our website:
What is referred to as the Red Book of Ossory was recently placed on public display for the first time in St. Canice’s Cathedral in Kilkenny, Ireland. This book contains poems and songs written and composed by Richard de Ledrede, who was the Bishop of Ossory. The book dates back some 700 years and contains the earliest known recipe for distilling whiskey, or as they referred to it “aqua vitae,” the water of life. Whiskey was used for medicinal purposes due to the Black Death that was engulfing Europe at the time. Dave spoke to the archivist and librarian at the Representative Church Body Library in Dublin about the history of the Red Book of Ossory and what visitors can expect to see if they visit the display at St. Canice’s Cathedral.
The podcast also features the latest Irish History Minute. In this segment, Janelle discusses anti-Irish sentiment in America in the 1800s.These stories and previous podcast episodes are available on the IGSI YouTube channel.

Cover image for "This month at the IGSI" - our monthy podcast
In the October edition (Episode 4 of Season 3) of our podcast, “This month at the IGSI,” genealogist Dave Miller introduces the next hybrid webinar, scheduled for October 19th, featuring genealogist Jay Fonkert’s presentation, Genealogy Detective Skills: Following Clues from the Census. Jay will help you understand the value of census records in your research and will also help you make sense of pre-1850 census records. The event will be held at the Minnesota Genealogy Society at 1385 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 100, in Mendota Heights. Tours of the Research Library and Irish Collection will be offered during the lunch and social time following the program. Registration for the live event is limited to 40 people; there is no limit to the number of virtual attendees. You can register on the registration link at

While we talk about Irish festivals that occur here in North America, we seldom talk about festivals that occur in Ireland. In this podcast, Dave highlights several interesting and fun Irish Halloween festivals that occur near the end of October. He talks with an expert on Irish culture who says Irish folklore suggests Halloween can be traced to the ancient Celtic tradition of Samhain. Learn how you can enjoy these festivals if you plan to visit Ireland this fall. You won’t want to miss this!

The podcast will also include the latest Irish History Minute. In this month’s segment, Janelle Asselin discusses Irish women whose lives were changed due to criminal transportation.

Cover image for "This month at the IGSI" - our monthy podcast
In theSeptember edition of the “This month at the IGSI” podcast (episode 3 of season 3), genealogist Dave Miller talks about the September webinar, which is a hybrid event and is our popular brick wall panel discussion. The title is “What is your brick wall?” and it is scheduled for September 28th. So, if you are in or around Minnesota and would like to attend the live event in person, you can register online. The event will be held at the Minnesota Genealogy Center at Suite 100, 1385 Mendota Heights Road in Mendota Heights. Registration for the live event is limited to 40 people. Tours of the Research Library and Irish Collection will be offered after the program, during the lunch and social time. There is no limit to the number of virtual attendees. Our panelists are genealogists Tom Rice and Kathy Lund. You can register using the registration link at:
In the podcast, we also have the latest Irish History Minute. In this segment, Janelle discusses the lives of Irish women whose lives were changed due to criminal transportation.

Cover image for "This month at the IGSI" - our monthy podcast
In the August edition (episode 2 of Season 3) of the “This month at the IGSI” podcast, genealogist Dave Miller begins the episode by providing the date for the August “Irish Saturday” event: August 10th.
Dave also talks about the August webinar that will be hosted by Paula Stewart-Warren. Michael’s presentation on August 17th is titled Railroad Records and Railroad History: Methods for Tracking! Paula will talk about the railroads and their history. If your ancestor worked for the railroad, she will discuss how to find out the various railroads where your ancestor might have worked? Where did the railroad run? Are there railroad records which may give you personal details about your ancestor’s employment with the railroad? Visuals and references demonstrate the wealth of historical materials available across the U.S. This lecture will help you know where to turn to find out more about the railroad, its records, and where to find them. This webinar will be virtual only and will continue virtual only.
We will also have the latest Irish History Minute. Janelle will discuss the Great Irish Potato Famine and explain some things you might not have known about what led to the Great Famine. Dave also talked to the Ulster Historical Foundation’s Executive Director Fintan Mullan and their plans for the Lecture Tour scheduled for next March and where they plan to make stops!

In the July edition (Episode 1 of Season 3) of the “This month at the IGSI” podcast, genealogist Dave Miller talka about the July webinar that will be hosted by Michael Walsh. Michael’s presentation on July 20th is titled From Tithes to Griffith's: property and valuation records in Ireland! Michael will discuss the major land and property valuation records available from 19th-century Ireland: Tithe Applotment Books, early townland valuations and notebooks from the valuation process, Griffith’s Valuation (sheets and the corresponding maps), Revision Books, and other sources underpinning the valuations. Through a logical and methodical approach, we gather and analyze data and bring problem-solving skills to bear for well-grounded research. This webinar will be virtual only and will continue virtual only for the months of August and September.
The IGSI co-president Walt Rothwell also discussed some of the projects that is  planned for the remainder of 2024. We are also airing for the first time “Irish History Minute” featuring Janelle Asselin. The first segment is about the Norman invasion of Ireland. Janelle will be providing these segments each month. Each episode will give the family historian a better understanding about the history of Ireland and why our ancestors migrated throughout the country and in some cases traveled across the ocean to North America.
July 2024